TikTok: The Ticket to the Top for Licensed Acupuncturists

Date Recorded: June 2022

Length: 3 hours 

Approved for 3 NCCAOM PDAs, Category (PE-CW)

Purchase grants you lifetime access.

No refunds


Course Description

Social media platforms have different and specific strengths. Currently, there is no hotter platform than TikTok It is the top lip of your patient acquisition funnel.

Say what?...

Facebook and IG are great nurturing platforms for building community for converting potentials into patients but the widest lip of the funnel is TikTok. It is growing with lightning speed and you can be part of the first wave of practitioners FLOODING your practice with new patients by showcasing Chinese medicine.
If you live anywhere other than a big city, chances are most people aren't aware of acupuncture or Chinese medicine. The power of TikTok to spread awareness about you and your clinic to people in your region, state, city or town is unprecedented with TT.

You instructor and fellow acupuncturist Dawn Garrison, DAOM shows how she used TikTok to grow her new clinic, in a new state as a busy, single mom- organically. She became THE go-to acupuncturist in her area and started getting referrals from doctors and chiropractors whom she never met, because they found her on TikTok.

With 700K+ followers, she has all the authority to teach this class.
Check out her TikTok HERE

In this course, you'll learn how to use TikTok to market your practice and reach a bigger local audience. You'll learn tips and tricks for creating engaging content that will get people interested in what you do, and how to use TikTok's unique features to reach even more people. With TikTok: Your Ticket to the Top for Licensed Acupuncturists, you'll be able to take your practice to the next level.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn the fundamentals of utilizing TikTok so you may start producing videos right away.

  • Know how to identify whatʼs popular trends and learn how to make them work for your acupuncture practice

  • Quick camera set up is possible with these ideas for easy camera setup, allowing you to go from patient care to filming in a matter of minutes.

  • Learn how to make a content plan so you don't get burnt out from making videos. Learn the foundations of making great content that will speak to your ideal patient


Why TikTok is NOT
just silly trends and dancing videos.

How to save time and grow
ALL of your social media channels by repurposing your TikTok videos!

Why it's a mistake to think TikTok is just for young kids, teenagers, influencers and celebrities. 

How introverts can shine on TikTok by utilizing the many built in TT tools.

Course Breakdown

Lesson 1
-Intro to TikTok- talks about who the teacher is, what their experience with TikTok is, and most importantly why TikTok is so important and who it's for. 

Lesson 2
-One of the unique aspects of this course is the quick start calendar. Here I brake down how to actually learn, implement and start growing TikTok in short easy-to-follow videos as well as giving you easy-to-implement action steps to a successful TikTok profile and growth strategy without spending a ton of time. 

Lesson 3
-Account set up this video I teach how to set up your account the right way to increase views and cross-platform growth.

Lesson 4
-TikTok tour- this is how to navigate your way around TikTok and find all the tools that will help you be your creative self and most productive self all in one. 

Lesson 5
-This is the most basic and most effective way to make a TikTok video. 

Lesson 6
-Here we talk about Duet videos and how to use this great feature to make engaging and easy content.

Lesson 7
-The algorithms are always changing and so are the trends. this video shows you the latest ways to find trends on the app.

Lesson 8
-Pointing videos, simple yet effective. 

Lesson 9
-Batch creating- these videos right here is worth the whole course 10 fold! Batch creating is the most sustainable way to make high-quality video content. I also include my own strategy that helped me gain over 700K followers on TikTok and how you can do it as well, including the content guide and worksheets. 

Lesson 10
- how to use green screen for even better educational and entertaining content. 

Lesson 11
- Some videos basics, lighting, and what simple tools you can use to increase your watch time and up your content game. 

Lesson 12
-Q & A style videos- these are wonderful for converting views into followers and patients. These types of videos make you the go-to expert.

Lesson 13
-Transitional type videos- these are fun and easy to make videos that are super engaging.

Lesson 14
-This in-depth video goes into what makes a great video and lots of examples of other health care creators that have used TikTok to grow their own business.

Lesson 15
-Content is queen, helps to further show the importance of great content and how it can stand the test of time and changing algorithms

Lesson 16
- Now that you have been posting videos and getting comfortable with TikTok. Let's take a look at your analytics and grow

Lesson 17
-How to deal with trolls. If you are putting anything out on the internet the sad but inevitable truth is you will have some trolls. In this video, I talk about why it happens, how it's not actually a bad thing, and what you can do about it. 

Lesson 18
- Finally now that you are a TikTok creating machine, let's expand beyond just TikTok. I show you how to repurpose your video on other social platforms like IG, FB, Pinterest, Snapchat, Youtube, and even Twitter.

About the Instructor

Dawn Garrison, DAOM, L.Ac.
Dr. is the founder of Carolina Family Acupuncture in Spartanburg, SC. She's a content creator with several platforms boasting nearly 800,000 followers collectively. Dr. Garrison specializes in teaching licensed acupuncturists how to use TikTok to grow their practices.