Course Description

Maximize ORGANIC Reach on Facebook & Make Your Practice Explode!

Date Recorded: May 2022

Length: hours 

Approved for 2 NCCAOM PDAs, Category (PE-CW) *Expired 6/2024*

Purchase grants you lifetime access.

No refunds


This class is a category of one.
There is no other class like it. Niching this subject down this much and having it taught by a colleague in YOUR profession means that your delivery and content rings true and authentic to your audience. Outsourcing this type of work, even to the best people, never quite hits the mark because they don’t understand the nuances of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Rebecca does and that’s why this class is so special and so valuable.

Results You Can Expect:

First Week:
 100% more reach.

First Month: 150-200% more reach.

3 months: 100-300 new followers every month.

6-12 months: 5-15 new patients per month organically from FB.

Keep on reading, we understand...

What is more frustrating than everyone telling you you have to have your practice on social media and then having absolutely no clue what to do after you set up your business page? It's no fun to make a bunch of posts that get no engagement and gain a new follower here and there. If you are like most people, you don't keep putting in a ton of effort when you are seeing very little return. Also, like most people, if you had a road map with sign posts along the way telling you you are headed in the right direction, small wins which give way to medium wins, and then to larger wins would keep you feeling rewarded for your efforts. Well, that's why we built this class.
Not only does it take all the guess work out, it makes the process of growing your organic following fun!

Rebecca Bergeron is very experienced in growing a HUGE social media following (11.5K followers!) ORGANICALLY and as a licensed acupuncturist just like you. She also doesn't use any fancy hi tech methods, just solid, proven, repeatable steps. She has really thought of everything when designing this program so you can rest assured that even if you are shy, not particularly creative, don't want to do it yourself, etc - she has every step covered.

But how?...

We are NOT talking about paying for ads, we are not talking about paying for ANYTHING.

ORGANIC reach gets you new patients without having to pay anything to acquire them AND positions you as an authority in your specialty or niche.

Learn how to cultivate and boost your organic reach AND how to convert your highly-engaged followers into paying patients.

Here's the good stuff...

Course Objectives

Learn the road map to becoming known as THE expert in your field through social media.

How to attract new, paying patients and grow your practice based on Facebook’s continuous growth and reach.

How to create a bank of high-quality, highly-engaging posts without needing to be creative or imaginative.

How to calculate your organic score and how to get a better one in order to gain new patients organically.

How understanding and mastering the algorithm guarantees everyone will see your posts.

How to create beautiful, compelling content utilizing a simple tool that does the design work for you!

How to make personalized posts that get phenomenal engagement without having to use your own picture or image if you are the shy type 🤗

How to easily outsource the work if you are too busy by knowing what to look for regarding quality work when choosing the right candidate for the job.

How to focus your efforts to build your reputation, your number of followers, and gain new patients even if you’ve had your page for years.

How to acquire active and engaged followers who care about your services rather than focusing on the quantity of followers you have, many of whom may be inactive and unengaged.  

🍬SPECIAL BONUSES! (~ $400 value!)

Inspiration Tool Box for when you lack ideas for your posts ($199 value).

📝 Ready-Made Template for creating your branding ($49 value).

👩‍🎨 Power of Personal Brand Workshop (pre-recorded class): to create your unique branding features for instantly recognizable content. ($149 value)

🧩 Putting it to Work booklet showing examples of what the various branding strategies might look like for a real practitioner. ($49 value)

🗓 Annual/semi-annual updates on Facebook algorithm changes and other shifts in the organic reach landscape so this class keeps on giving!


This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of Meta, Inc.DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the training curriculum are the personal figures and experience of the instructor. Please understand these results may not be typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE from TCM Hub.

Your Instructor: Rebecca Bergeron Ac.

Rebecca has assisted over 50 births as an acupuncturist and a doula since 2016. Her schedule is filled with her favorite clientele: Pregnant patients nearing childbirth. This is all thanks to her dominating social media presence in her field (80% of her new patients organically come from facebook!). She took classes through two online programs, "mamans en affaires" and "la tranchée" over the course of a year. She is now happily doing what she is passionate about in her cozy clinic near Montreal, Canada