Course Description

Course Title: Seasons of Postpartum Care: An Essential Course for TCM Birth Specialists

Date recorded: March 2022

Length: 1 hour 30 minutes

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In this class Dr. Heather Peterman provides the information that you need to be armed with to support new moms in the days and months after birth. She discusses how the loss of vital substances during childbirth can be a trigger for acute and chronic health issues. You will learn how to monitor post-partum blood loss, ways to nourish the vital fluids and warm the abdomen and womb and how to support a new mother’s psyche to prevent or manage post-partum depression. You will also learn how to recognize signs of physical and mental health emergencies. This course does include some herbal medicine and accessory techniques. An essential course for anyone working with pregnancy or with interest in partnering with midwives, doulas and women’s health providers. 

Learning Objectives

  • Provide the knowledge base to understand and work with postpartum mothers. 
  • Define normal stages of bleeding. 
  • Understand the implication of loss of vital fluids. 
  • Understand how blood deficiency progresses to Postpartum Depression and the patterns associated with the severity of the presentation. 
  • Provide strategies to nourish and enrich woman’s live in the postpartum stage. 

About the Instructor

Heather Peterman, DAOM has helped launch new acupuncture programs embedded in a hospital based fertility clinic, cancer care clinic and physical medicine and rehabilitation program.

Through her work with the integrated medicine team she has helped advance the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Dr. Peterman is committed to developing new, integrated programs and defining best practices by educating and mentoring providers interested in the same goal. Her DAOM dissertation is entitled “VALIDATING THE ROLE OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE IN PRE-CONCEPTION CARE TO INCREASE PREGNANCY RATES WITH INSULIN RESISTANT POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME PATIENTS”

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