Course Description

Integrated Pediatrics: From Basics to Practice with Heather Peterman, DAOM Complete Course.

Recorded June 2021

This is the complete pediatrics course with Heather Peterman, DAOM.

This course is a combination of independent study and interactive mentorship with the Dr. Peterman. Included in this course are:

  • 3 pre-recorded videos, listed below with corresponding outlines and descriptions
  • Module 1: Safety and Ethics
  • Module 2: Integrating TCM into Pediatrics
  • Module 3: Acupuncture & TCM for Pediatric Mental Health

Approved for 8 NCCAOM PDAs (includes 2.5 Ethics PDAs) *Expired 6/25/24*

Approved for 8 California CEUs (total of Parts 1, 2, and 3), Category 1, CEP #1651 *Expired 6/25/24*

No refunds

Purchase includes lifetime access to the videos of all 3 modules

Module 1: Safety and Ethics

Approved for 2.5 NCCAOM Ethics PDAs

Course Description:

Pediatrics is a rewarding specialty that requires a lot of understanding and nuance specific to treating children with Chinese Medicine. In this webinar, ethical aspects of seeing pediatric patients are covered, including consideration of children from a variety of backgrounds, the dynamics of the family unit, mental and emotional considerations, working with parents, handling patient privacy, and developing a rapport with the pediatric patient. Heather Peterman, DAOM, brings the knowledge and experience necessary to help the practitioner navigate treating this segment of the population so both the practitioner and patient can experience the power of Chinese Medicine in achieving and maintaining health and wellness.

Learning Objectives:

  • Establishing a need for Integrated Medicine amongst current health trends including the opioid epidemic, obesity pandemic and ever-increasing mental health concerns
  • Review of current evidence-based information for common pediatric complaints
  • Red flags and contraindications that require referral to MD or ER
  • Establish normal ranges for physical exam
  • Discuss treatment plans and dose equivalency to promote strong communication and realistic expectations with Western providers and parents of pediatric patients
  • Define tools, needle retention times and other considerations for pediatric patients
  • Ethics: Explore real life scenarios for ethical areas that reflect on privacy, duty to report and safety for pediatric patients

Module 2: Integrating TCM into Pediatrics

Approved for 4 NCCAOM PDAs

Course Description:

Part two of this comprehensive pediatric course explores key topics for integrating TCM into pediatrics. It is set up into 2 parts:

Part 1 explores explored inherent health concerns created by nutritional deficits and how those deficits are often times at the root of complex health issues. It provides a broad overview of nutrition basics including micro and macro nutrients, foods for preventive health and a plan for food introduction in a baby’s fist year to support the development of the spleen and stomach and prevent dampness.

Part 2 dissects complex health issues and conditions most commonly seen in pediatrics and explains them from a TCM and biomedical standpoint. Examining them in this ways identifies where the gaps are in conventional medicine and forms the foundation for integrated care strategies. In this module comprehensive care plans and treatment strategies are presented and explored.

Becoming a specialist in pediatrics is a gateway to treating the entire family. Although this course is designed to grow and develop your skills in the practice of pediatric medicine, the skills you learn in this class can certainly help you grow your general practice as well.

Learning Objectives:

  1. To define and understand how nutritional deficits created and compound modern day health concerns in pediatrics.
  2. Provide a solid foundation of understanding basic nutritional needs.
  3. Define foundational treatment and treatment strategies for some of the more complex health issues integrated medicine practitioners see in pediatrics.

Module 3: Acupuncture & TCM for Pediatric Mental Health

Approved for 1.5 NCCAOM PDAs

Course Description:

The Covid-19 pandemic and long term social isolation has tremendously impacted the pediatric population. Pediatricians are acutely aware of this situation, reporting an increase in cases of anxiety, depression, fear, mistrust, and withdrawal. The medical community is globally searching for ways to help children and youth navigate these challenges and restore their sense of balance and mental health.

TCM offers unique ways of understanding the impact of this collective trauma on a child’s mental health. In this module, through the principles of TCM, practitioners will explore and learn treatment principles to help support and protect a child’s Shen.

5 element principles are explored in detail as a way to discern how a child may act when they are out of balance and how to help communicate effectively based on elemental typing. In this section the energetic properties of essential oils are explained as they relate to TCM theory and balancing the elements.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explore and provide an understanding of social and mental health issues created and/or worsened by the Covid-19 pandemic and isolation in the pediatric population.
  2. Understand the impact of these issues and the trends in children’s mental health from a conventional and TCM standpoint.
  3. Establish treatment strategies and principles to restore the Shen and support mental health from a biopsychosocial approach.

Course Curriculum

  Pediatrics Part 1: Ethics
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Pediatrics Part 2: Integrating TCM into Pediatrics
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Pediatrics Part 3: Acupuncture & TCM for Mental Health
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Congratulations on completing this course!
Available in days
days after you enroll

About the Instructor

Heather Peterman, DAOM has helped launch new acupuncture and TCM programs in a hospital based fertility clinic, cancer care clinic, and physical medicine and rehabilitation program. She has extensive experience in pediatrics as well. Through her work with the integrated medicine team she has helped advance the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Western medicine paradigm, improving the understanding of TCM through proving how effective TCM can be.

Dr. Peterman is committed to developing new, integrated programs and defining best practices by educating and mentoring providers interested in the same goal. Her DAOM dissertation is entitled “Validating the role of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Pre-Conception Care to Increase Pregnancy Rates with Insulin Resistant Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Patients”.